Girls Beware

Adolescent years are very difficult periods not only for the children but for the parents as well. The kind of problems faced in case of boys and girls are totally different. This is the time when the girls as well as boys begin to see physical changes and development in their body with onset of puberty. They start discovering self and a new environment. With sudden changes they do find it difficult to cope and digest all of the changes at once.

While parents of boys are worried about their son’s habits and fear that he might get into wrong company and cultivate bad habits of smoking, drinking and doing the drugs, the case of girl’s parents is totally different.

In case of girls, the parents are also worried about them getting into wrong friends and getting into wrong habits just the same as boys. But mothers especially tend to get over protective and worried on account of the love life of the girl. With the onset of maturity the girls suddenly find themselves getting interested in the boys and feelings often can fly out of handle.

The emotional health of the girls at this stage tends to be very delicate. Their mental makeup and growth depends upon their experiences at this stage. Many girls are shy and keep to their books and academics. Sometimes some of the girls tend to become rebels and anti establishment. They grow up to be rebels without a cause and learn to behave more like the boys. All these can be said to be a growing phase.

In some cases girls tend to get hyper with regard to their sexual and love life. Such girls end up having disastrous relationships and breakups with their sexual life being on an over drive. This can emotionally hamper the girl and also derail them from academics. Such trends in the girls if noticed should be immediately taken notice of by parents. Just as women and girls suffer from weak or dysfunctional libido, there are cases of girls suffering from hyper sexual drive and very high women’s libido.

The case of hyper sex libido in women can be attributed to many reasons. Several women are born with hyper sexed personalities. Many are sensuous personalities and are endowed with the beauty of the body as well as a matching libido. There can also be cases where girls and women get into a hyper libido due to various emotional feelings or as a result of previous childhood experiences.

As in the case of men, if these women with high libido get into a relationship with a man who has average or normal sex drive, then chances are that he will not be able to keep pace with demands of the partner. Unsatisfied women with higher libido might fall prey to unwanted attention trying to seek their satisfaction elsewhere and outside the relationship.

In such cases of hyper sex libido in girls and women, it calls for a thorough medical investigation to identify the factors that are causing such hyperactivity. Often physical as well as psychiatric counseling might be called for to deal with the issue. It is better for girls to seek professional help in the early stages so that they can avoid breakups and problems resulting out of their overdrive libido.

Women's Health Info